Letters from Luke

1 min readNov 19, 2020

I’m beautiful, smart, blah, blah, blah… these words are all too familiar! Been there done that, got the T-shirt, hell, I bought stock in the place. This is different guys! This seems legit. He is not just some inmate who wants to love the fat girl because the fat girl has so much to offer, uh…I mean, “needs love too”. That quote, ugh, gag me! This guy wants what is best for me. He could have asked for money, but he didn’t, and still wont take anything from me 7 months later. We have embarked on this journey of knowledge, of exploration, shining light in the darkest areas of our scarred and abused souls. We decided that while he was in jail, we could just take this time to get to know each other, something that just doesn’t happen in the conventional dating world these days. So we explored, and found that we have so much in common yet we are so different! He is anal and I…I am the Queen of Procrastination, perfect, right? I thought so! This fat girl needs an outlet….so here I am sharing my life with you guys!!




A hopeless romantic. Love to tell stories. Fat kid from way back with a very complicated life, and with enough commas, I can make anything sound interesting!